Thursday, 14 March 2013

Goodbye Google Friends.

As most of you all know now the favourite Google Reader shall be no more as of first of July. Though there is some discrepancy over if GFC will be staying put I'd say the end is in sight for Google Friend Connect too as Google are encouraging Google +. If GFC does eventually go I'll be gutted as all 137 followers mean a lot to me. 

In light of this I'm making the transition to Bloglovin. If you're interested in keeping up to date with my blog please take the time to follow me on Bloglovin. I've now put the link in the side or you can click the image at the bottom of this post!  If you could it would mean so much to me!


Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Noooo, not GFC! I hope that doesn't go :( Surely they won't do away with GFC :( x

  2. I'm so annoyed about this too, as I'm sure all bloggers are! I've just written a similar post myself!

    Christina | Passion Obsession
